Lower Elementary (1st - 2nd)
Upper Elementary (3rd - 5th)
Middle School (6th - 8th)
Application fee: $50 and is non-refundable. Due when registration paperwork is turned in. Seats in the class are limited; registration is first-come and will begin in January for the fall.
Registration fee: $225, also nonrefundable, is due May 1.
Yearly tuition: $3,296. Tuition payment begins on June 1. There are several payment plans available.
Middle School:
Application fee: $50 and is non-refundable. Due when registration paperwork is turned in. Seats in the class are limited; registration is first-come and will begin in January for the fall.
Registration fee: $275, also nonrefundable, is due May 1.
Yearly tuition: $3,708. Tuition payment begins on June 1. There are several payment plans available.
the supplies
All books and supplies are provided by the school. This includes pencils and paper, copy paper and printer ink, colored pencils, paint, folders, consumable books and textbooks. All that your student needs to bring daily is a backpack and lunch.
Each upper elementary student (grade 3rd - 5th) will have a Chromebook assigned to them to use in the class only. It is recommended that students have a Chromebook at home for classwork.
Middle school students (grade 6th - 8th) are required to provide their own Chromebooks for use in class daily.
HATS uses Google Classroom as the hosting site for assignments, so these students will need a personal gmail account to access Classroom as well as Google Docs and Drive. First and second graders will have assignments written out for them.
the location
HATS meets on the ranch of Mrs. Dantzler, in the lower level of her home at 4750 N Clack St, Abilene, TX 79601.